Welcome to my e-Portfolio. Share in my learning journey. Visit often. Leave feedback. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Year 6 Memories
This is my final post on my blog for Elm Park. I made this post all about my 3 years at Elm Park. I will miss this school but I am going on to year 7. Goodbye Elm Park.
Auggie's Classroom
I was able to create a classroom for a Wonder math activity. I was also able to create an irregular shape for my classroom. I used a dotted line to make it easier for me to calculate my classroom perimeter.
Next time I could try to have an irregular shape with decimals as well.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Wonder Language Features
Walt : recognise and understand specific language features.
I was able to :
- Understand the meanings of different types of language features eg. personification, idioms.
- Listen carefully to the words and phrases in the story Wonder.
- Re-read the part in the story where I thought there was a specific language feature.
- Take my take my time and think carefully about the different language features that the author used.
Next time I could use a sticky note to write down different language features in Wonder .
Thursday, November 30, 2017
The Plaque
Precious McKenzie

Walt : edit my Precious McKenzie writing independently to identify errors and get my work ready for Book Creator publishing.
I was able to
- I was able to use a dictionary/internet to correct my spelling errors.
- I was able to find the words that had red lines under them and I went and corrected my spelling mistakes.
- I was able to make sure I had used capital letters in the right places eg. names, places, beginning of sentences.
- I was able to use fullstops at the end of my sentences.
- I was able to re-read my sentences to make sure no words were missed out and my sentences made sense.
Next time I am going to get into a habit of editing any piece of writing like my equipt writing or an email.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Wonder Portrait and Precept
I was able to design a portrait and choose a precept for my Wonder portrait. My Precept is : "Follow your dreams. It may be a long journey, but the path is light in front of you". In my portrait I added a bow in my hair and choose a right eye. I found this easy and fun to do. I chose this precept because I found it inspiring.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Wonder Kindness Poem
I was able to use two new words in my acrostic poem. The two new words I used were delightful and empathetic.
Next time I could try to use some more new words in my acrostic poem by looking in a thesaurus and replacing some of the words I used in my kindness poem. I can also use new words in my equipt writing as well.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Waikanae Trip
WALT : write a clear sequence of events by using appropriate time connective words in my recount.
I was able to write a recount about my trip to Waikanae beach in the school holidays. I used time connective words in my recount and I followed our success criteria. The time conective words that I used in my writing are once, next, when, later and after that. I also put five different pictures in my recount.
I was able to write a recount about my trip to Waikanae beach in the school holidays. I used time connective words in my recount and I followed our success criteria. The time conective words that I used in my writing are once, next, when, later and after that. I also put five different pictures in my recount.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
John Pule Art Reflection
This is my reflection on my John Pule Art that I created for our art exhibition at school. I am excited to see what people think about my art.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
School Uniform
I was able to write a letter to the Elm Park School management team about wearing a school uniform. I liked this activity and I would like to do it again. In my letter I was able to use 7 persuasive words and 7 emotive words. I agree that wearing a school uniform is a fantastic idea and I hope it never changes at Elm Park.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
WALT: locate, select and evaluate text for specific information including internet sources
I was able to find information about Diabetes on the internet. The first websites I went on were hard to understand because they weren't made for kids but I was able to find some kid friendly websites about Diabetes.
Next time I could try find some kid friendly websites about diabetes first and if I do find some websites that aren't made for kids I can put all the words I don't know in my word clarification sheet and then find a website for kids about diabetes.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Defenders running team uniforms
WALT: use a calculator accurately
I was able to find 11 thing on Rebel sport that the Defenders track team would need. For this activity we had $2000 to spend on stuff for the Defenders from Rebel sport. I was also able to write 5 tips for people wondering how to use a calculator.
Next time I can use the calculator to find percentages and square roots. Like 4 is the square root or 16 and 50% is 0.5.
Learning Refection
Next time I can use the calculator to find percentages and square roots. Like 4 is the square root or 16 and 50% is 0.5.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Speeches 2017
WALT: deliberately choose words to create an effect on the audience.
Learning Reflection
In my speech I was able to use 12 persuasive words and only six emotive words. An example of a persuasive word is firstly and an example of an emotive word is unfair.
Next time I could try using more emotive words in my writing and continue using persuasive words in my equipt writing.
Learning Reflection
In my speech I was able to use 12 persuasive words and only six emotive words. An example of a persuasive word is firstly and an example of an emotive word is unfair.
Next time I could try using more emotive words in my writing and continue using persuasive words in my equipt writing.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Celebrations dance
WALT: understand how people celebrate in different ways.
I was able to understand and find out about different ways to celebrate by searching different celebrations on the internet and adding them to my slideshow.
Next time I can put in more detail and add more information to my slideshow and do the backgrounds and images last instead.
I was able to understand and find out about different ways to celebrate by searching different celebrations on the internet and adding them to my slideshow.
Next time I can put in more detail and add more information to my slideshow and do the backgrounds and images last instead.
Ghost by Jason Reynolds
WALT: make a prediction based on the cover and blurb of Ghost by Jason Reynolds.
I was able to use the blurb, pictures and cover to make predictions on the book Ghost by Jason Reynolds. I found this a bit tricky to do because I didn't understand some of the words in the blurb.
Next time when I choose a book from the library or when I choose a book from a book store I could look at the cover ,blurb and title and make predictions.
Next time when I choose a book from the library or when I choose a book from a book store I could look at the cover ,blurb and title and make predictions.
Usain Bolt
Walt : locate and evaluate information about Usain Bolt on the internet
I chose these facts about Usain Bolt because they seemed interesting and some of them were surprising. I found it very easy to find facts because all I had to do was type in Usain Bolt and then I clicked on the Wikipedia and found about 7 facts.
Next time I could try and find some more information about Usain Bolt and write my sentences more specifically.
I chose these facts about Usain Bolt because they seemed interesting and some of them were surprising. I found it very easy to find facts because all I had to do was type in Usain Bolt and then I clicked on the Wikipedia and found about 7 facts.
Next time I could try and find some more information about Usain Bolt and write my sentences more specifically.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Matariki Celebration - Phases of the Moon
For this activity I had to read the text and then slide the labels and pictures. I learnt about the 8 phases of the moon and there names. I was able to easily do this activity without help.
Next time I could try to research the phases of the moon in my spare time and then look up into the sky to see the moon and then tell my dad what phase of the moon is in the sky.
Venn Diagram - Jess and Leslie
Walt: Compare and contrast the characteristics of Leslie and Jess
I was able to compare Leslie and Jess with their characteristics,character traits, personalty and all their things in common.
Next time I will try to add more ideas by listening to the story and trying to write down as much as I can.
I was able to compare Leslie and Jess with their characteristics,character traits, personalty and all their things in common.
Next time I will try to add more ideas by listening to the story and trying to write down as much as I can.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Labour Day
WALT: understand passing on messages is important so we understand why we celebrate.
This is our Labour Day slide show. For this slide show we had to research the history of Labour day. I had no idea why we celebrated Labour day but now I understand. I had lots of fun doing this activity but it was a bit hard to type in facts about Labour Day and not repeat them. I think it is important to celebrate and pass on messages because if we don't we might not celebrate Labour Day.
Friday, June 16, 2017
A-Z Celebrations
WALT:find out celebrations from A-Z
This is me and Kaea's A-Z celebrations.Most of these celebrations are from all around the world. It was hard but fun to find the celebrations.
This is me and Kaea's A-Z celebrations.Most of these celebrations are from all around the world. It was hard but fun to find the celebrations.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Around the World Birthday Celebrations
This is our room 19 around the world birthday celebrations slide show. My slide is slide 29 Scotland. I had lots of fun doing this.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Bridge to Terabithia
WALT: make a prediction based on the cover and blurb
Learning Reflection
I was able to make predictions form the cover and blurb and find the important keywords.
Next time I will think more carefully about my predictions so my predictions are more actcurite
Walt : use a variety of multiplication strategies to solve problems
Learning Reflection
I was able to use Rounding and Compensating,Doubling and Halving and Place Value to solve problems.
Next time I could go to my multiplication and division slideshow to help me.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Quotation Marks Quiz
Walt : use a wide range of advanced punctuation correctly
My Learning Reflection
I was able to Identify what parts of my writing were speaking so I know when to use quotation marks consistently.
Next time I could remember to read the sentence carefully so it makes sense and I can find out what parts the person is saying because I got a bit confused.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Now and Then Birthdays
WALT: compare and contrast birthdays
Learning Reflection
I was able to think about my parties so I could compare my parties to 1967 parties.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
WALT: find and summarise information by choosing the most important information in a text and linking it back to the topic.
Learning Reflection
I am working on finding the most important information in a text.
I found the most important information by skimming though the text to find the most important information.
Next time I will find the information by myself instead of cutting and pasting .
Friday, April 7, 2017
Peddle Power
This is me riding a bike when we were at Peddle Power bike skills.
Next time I could try to stand up going up hill so I would get more power and not fall off the ramp.
Word Clarification Chart
Walt : look on my own for new words to increase the amount of words that I understand
Learning Reflection
This is my word clarification sheet . When I do SSR I upload words I don't know on to my chart. I only do this sometimes>
Next time I can look for new words when I'm doing my 45 letter sounds and always have a pencil and my post-it notes when I read.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
My Kennings Poem
Walt: distinguish between relevant and irrelevant ideas for my Kennings Poem.
I was able to think of lots of things that relate to me.
Next time I could try and think of more things that only relate to me and really describe me well like a talented dabber.
Learning Reflection
Next time I could try and think of more things that only relate to me and really describe me well like a talented dabber.
Camp Merc Acrostic Poem
WALT: edit and revise my camp Merc writing for clarity and response to feedback
Learning Reflection
I was able to change some of my sentences because Thomas told me to so it made sense.
Next time I could double check my writing so that my sentences make sense and then I wouldn't have to get feedback.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Camp Merc Certificate
I loved Camp Merc because all the activities were really fun and some were a bit scary. All the activities were awesome but my favourite one was sailing because we got to jump of the boat and then we two minutes free time in the water before we had to get changed out of our togs.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Walt : display data on histogram, tally chart
Walt : interpret information from histograms and tally marks eg. medium, mode, range, mean
Here is some of the statistics I interpreter :
Walt : interpret information from histograms and tally marks eg. medium, mode, range, mean
Here is some of the statistics I interpreter :
- I was able to create a histogram and a tally chart.
- I was able to put information from into a histogram and I used tally make. I found this easy.
- The range for first name scores are 4-20.
- The range for last name scores are 2-21.
- The range for full name scores are 9-31.
- The mode for the first name score is 10.34
- The mode for the last name score is 10.79
- The mode for the full name score is 21.1
If you want you can watch this video to see how to do Mean,median and mode.
Mean,Median and mode
Mean,Median and mode
Next time I would love to do this again because I really enjoyed this and I found this easy.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Spelling- 45 Letter Sound
Walt: use different spelling patterns and strategies to increase my word knowledge.
There are 45 letters sounds in the English language. Sometimes these sounds are made by one letter and sometimes they are a made by a group of letters together. Learning these letter sounds will help me spell unknown tricky words and increase my word knowledge.
Friday, February 3, 2017
!0 things you need to know about me ....
Walt : use advanced punctuation
We have been learning how to use bullet points correctly in my 10 Things About Me slideshow. I learnt you need to :
- Place the bullet point in the margin.
- Use a capital letter after the bullet point.
- If you have written a sentence, end it with a punctuation eg. full-stop.
- Bullet points are used to create lists.
- Find the bullet points icon on the right hand side at top of the tool bar called bullet lists.
- You must be inside a text box to find the bullet point key.
Next time I will try and use bullet points in more of writing.
Can you guess which of my information is true and which is a lie ?
Welcome Post
My Reflection:
This year I am feeling excited for camp and been a school counsellor. I am also looking forward to the softball clinic at school.
Some of my goals this year are to be head girl and get 100 gold ticks.
Some of my goals this year are to be head girl and get 100 gold ticks.
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